Twelfth Generation

3230. Louis BRET (BRETTE) was born on 23 September 1676 in La Rochelle (Charente-Maritime) (Poitou Charentes Region), France.1,887,2081 He was baptized on 25 September 1676 in La Rochelle (Ste-Sauveur) (Charente-Maritime) (Poitou Charentes Region), France.1,887,2081 Louis and his family traveled to the New World via the 'Dauphine" The passenger list is dated 17 Mar 1719 and identifies Louis and his family as the “Le Bret Party”. The children are identified as follows: Elizabeth (baptized Anne Elizabeth), Thereze (baptized Marie Theraize), Louise (baptized Marie Louise), Perrine, Renee (baptized Marie Renee), Marianne Thereze (baptized Marie Francoise Thereze), Louis and Jeanne. The child identified as “Jeanne” on the ship list is likely Anne who was born little more than a month before the family’s departure from La Rochelle. The Dauphine arrived off the coast of Pensacola on 28 Jun 1719 after more than three months at sea. It appears, however, that his wife, Elizabeth, died enroute from France or shortly thereafter leaving Louis with eight young children in a strange new land. He appeared in the census in 1721 in Mobile (Mobile County), Alabama, USA with five of his children. Shortly after the census was taken, Louis married his second wife, Marie Baudouin, in New Orleans.1 Louis was a "Tailleur d'habits" (Tailor). He died before November 1726 at the age of 50 in Mobile (Mobile County), Alabama, USA.251 Elizabeth (Isabelle) ROY and Louis BRET (BRETTE) were married on 6 September 1700 in La Rochelle (Notre-Dame-de-Cougnes) (Charente-Maritime) (Poitou Charentes Region), France.1,887,2082

[Note: Louis married for a 2nd time to Marie Baudouin on 16 August 1721 in New Orleans.]

3231. Elizabeth (Isabelle) ROY was born on 12 January 1682 in La Rochelle (Charente-Maritime) (Poitou Charentes Region), France.1,887,2083 She was baptized on 15 January 1682 in La Rochelle (Notre-Dame-de-Cougnes) (Charente-Maritime) (Poitou Charentes Region), France.1,887,2083 It is believed that Elizabeth died enroute from France to Louisiana or died shortly thereafter – leaving her husband, Louis, alone in a strange new land with eight young children.887

NOTE: The lineage and supporting documents of the Louis Bret family is covered in "Long Journey Home: The Ancestry of the Bret, Coco, Drapeau, Goudeau, Gremillon and Tassin Families in France" by Cathy Lemoine Sturgell.

Children were:


Anne Elizabeth BRET (BRETTE) was born on 15 December 1701.1,887,2084 She was baptized on 18 December 1701 in La Rochelle (Notre-Dame-de-Cougnes) (Charente-Maritime) (Poitou Charentes Region), France.1,887,2084


Marie Catherine BRET (BRETTE) was born on 25 March 1703.1,887,2085 She was baptized on 26 March 1703 in La Rochelle (Notre-Dame-de-Cougnes) (Charente-Maritime) (Poitou Charentes Region), France.1,887,2085 She died on 23 August 1704 at the age of 1.1,887,2086 Marie was buried on 24 August 1704 in La Rochelle (Notre-Dame-de-Cougnes) (Charente-Maritime) (Poitou Charentes Region), France.1,887,2086


Marie Anne BRET (BRETTE) was born on 28 September 1704.1,887,2087 She was baptized on 30 September 1704 in La Rochelle (Notre-Dame-de-Cougnes) (Charente-Maritime) (Poitou Charentes Region), France.1,887,2087 She died about 23 October 1707 at the age of 3 in La Rochelle (Charente-Maritime) (Poitou Charentes Region), France.1,887,2088 Marie was buried on 23 October 1707 in La Rochelle (Notre-Dame-de-Cougnes) (Charente-Maritime) (Poitou Charentes Region), France.1,887,2088


Marie Theraize BRET (BRETTE) was born on 12 April 1706 in La Rochelle (Charente-Maritime) (Poitou Charentes Region), France.1,887,2089 She was baptized on 18 April 1706 in La Rochelle (Notre-Dame-de-Cougnes) (Charente-Maritime) (Poitou Charentes Region), France.1,887,2089


Marie Louise BRET (BRETTE) was born on 2 February 1708 in La Rochelle (Charente-Maritime) (Poitou Charentes Region), France.1,887,2090 She was baptized on 4 February 1708 in La Rochelle (Notre-Dame-de-Cougnes) (Charente-Maritime) (Poitou Charentes Region), France.1,887,2090 She was buried on 27 May 1747 in Mobile (Mobile County), Alabama, USA.2091 Marie died on 27 May 1747 at the age of 39 in Mobile (Mobile County), Alabama, USA.2091



Perrine BRET (BRETTE).


Marie Renee BRET (BRETTE) was born on 2 February 1712 in La Rochelle (Charente-Maritime) (Poitou Charentes Region), France.1,887,2092 She was baptized on 5 February 1712 in La Rochelle (Notre-Dame-de-Cougnes) (Charente-Maritime) (Poitou Charentes Region), France.1,887,2092


Louis Dominique BRET (BRETTE) was born on 4 August 1713 in La Rochelle (Charente-Maritime) (Poitou Charentes Region), France.1,2093 He was baptized on 6 August 1713 in La Rochelle (Notre-Dame-de-Cougnes) (Charente-Maritime) (Poitou Charentes Region), France.1,887,2093 He died on 29 September 1740 at the age of 27 in Mobile (Mobile County), Alabama, USA according to an entry in the Mobile sacramental records. However, it is likely that he actually died on 29 September 1744 - the date on which the burial was recorded in the Catholic burial register.2094


Marie Francoise Thereze BRET (BRETTE) was born on 8 February 1716 in La Rochelle (Charente-Maritime) (Poitou Charentes Region), France.887,2095 She was baptized on 10 February 1716 in La Rochelle (Notre-Dame-de-Cougnes) (Charente-Maritime) (Poitou Charentes Region), France.1,887,2095


Paul BRET (BRETTE) was born on 9 September 1717 in La Rochelle (Charente-Maritime) (Poitou Charentes Region), France.1,887,2096 He was baptized on 12 September 1717 in La Rochelle (Notre-Dame-de-Cougnes) (Charente-Maritime) (Poitou Charentes Region), France.1,887,2096 He was buried on 13 August 1718 in La Rochelle (Notre-Dame-de-Cougnes) (Charente-Maritime) (Poitou Charentes Region), France.1,887,2097


Anne BRET (BRETTE) was born on 15 February 1719 in La Rochelle (Charente-Maritime) (Poitou Charentes Region), France.1,887,2098 She was baptized on 16 February 1719 in La Rochelle (Notre-Dame-de-Cougnes) (Charente-Maritime) (Poitou Charentes Region), France.1,887,2098