Tenth Generation

826. Joseph Marie ARMAND was born about 1730 in Metz (Moselle) (Lorraine Region), France. He, his first wife (Cecile Normand) and their children, supposedly, left Nova Scotia in November of 1758 after it had been captured by the English. He had been a soldier at Louisbourg. The family later moved to Natchitoches in about 1763. Joseph's first wife, Cecile Normand, was deceased before 1769. Beginning in about 1770, a series of court records were found in the New Orleans Spanish Judicial Records which appear to show that Joseph Marie Armand was in serious financial trouble. In one case dated 9 January 1770, it specifically states that Armand's Pointe Coupee plantation, slaves and household furniture were seized for the benefit of his numerous creditors. Thirteen months later, there was an interesting case in which Armand's agent (Enrique Voix) was collecting rent on a house that had been previously seized by Armand's creditors. The creditors were now asking that the 90 pesos paid in rent to the agent since the seizure of the property be placed with the General Receiver so that this money could be placed under consideration when the final liquidation of Armand's assets was decided. However, the case was settled in Armand's favor because the commissioners were never notifed that the property had been seized and, therefore, the property had remained in Armand's possession. The court stated that this was the negligence of the creditors. The other cases were instances in which the court-appointed trustee took individuals to court in order to collect debts owned Armand which would, in turn, be used to pay his creditors. He was buried on 20 February 1815 at St. Francois d'Assisi in Natchitoches (Natchitoches Parish), Louisiana, USA. He was married to his second wife, Marie Therese Legros, at the time of his death.1814 Marie Cecile NORMAND and Joseph Marie ARMAND signed a marriage contract on 1 July 1749. They were married on 3 July 1749 at Notre Dame in Québec (Québec Province), Canada.1,1815

Note: Joseph's 2nd marriage was to Marie Therese Legros dite La Tendresse on 14 Sept 1775 at Pointe Coupée.

827. Marie Cecile NORMAND was born on 9 December 1724.1,1816 She was baptized on 10 December 1724 in Saint-Sulpice (Québec Province), Canada.1,1816 She appeared in the census on 1 April 1750 in Ile-Royal living with the family of M. Daillebou(r)t. Cecile was listed as the wife of "d'armand soldat". Her daughter, Marie Josephe, was with her. Marie died before 1769 at the age of 45.251

Children were:


Marie Josephe ARMAND was baptized on 13 March 1750 in Louisburg (Cape Breton), Nova Scotia. She was buried on 19 November 1769 in (Pointe Coupée Parish), Louisiana, USA.1817



Marie Magdeleine (Magdeleinne) ARMAND.


Louis Joseph ARMAND was baptized on 6 April 1753 in Louisburg (Cape Breton), Nova Scotia.


Angelique Fleurit ARMAND was baptized on 6 March 1754 in Louisburg (Cape Breton), Nova Scotia.1,2882 She was possibly the "Marguerite Armant, wife of Louis Riche" who was buried on 23 May 1793 at Pointe Coupée.


Jean Marie Baptiste ARMAND was baptized on 22 September 1755 in Louisburg (Cape Breton), Nova Scotia.1,2883 He was buried on 7 October 1828 in (St. James Parish), Louisiana, USA.2888


Louis ARMAND was born on 15 May 1756.1,2884 He was baptized on 16 May 1756 in Louisburg (Cape Breton), Nova Scotia.1,2884


Joseph ARMAND was born on 18 September 1757 and was baptized the same day in Louisburg (Cape Breton), Nova Scotia.1,2885