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486. Jacques-Joseph BERZA I dit LAFLEUR was born on 7 April 1719 in (Québec Province), Canada.1,1751 He was baptized on 14 May 1719 in Saint-Francois-du-Lac (Québec Province), Canada. The surname on his baptismal record was LaFleur.1,1751 He was buried on 24 August 1778 in (Pointe Coupée Parish), Louisiana, USA.1752 Jacques-Joseph had his estate in succession on 26 October 1778 in (Pointe Coupée Parish), Louisiana, USA. Listed in the inventory of his assets was a house constructed of bousillage (mud and moss covered with shingles), barn, sheds, 2 poor cabins w/parc and enclosures on 4 arpents of land. The property was auctioned to Pierre Decuir for 512 piastres. The total value of the estate assets was 3308 piastres which was reduced to 2634 after payment of debts.1753 Antoinette LEMOINE and Jacques-Joseph BERZA I dit LAFLEUR842,1754 were married on 20 April 1751 in (Pointe Coupée Parish), Louisiana, USA.11,1054,1755 487. Antoinette LEMOINE was born on 26 May 1737 in (Pointe Coupée Parish), Louisiana, USA.1470 She was baptized on 1 September 1737 in (Pointe Coupée Parish), Louisiana, USA.1470 She was buried on 5 January 1772 in (Pointe Coupée Parish), Louisiana, USA.1471 Children were:
| i. | Marie BERZA was born on 2 March 1754 in (Pointe Coupée Parish), Louisiana, USA.2872 She was baptized on 4 March 1754 at St. François d’Assise in (Pointe Coupée Parish), Louisiana, USA.2872 |
| ii. | Joseph BERZA II was born on 10 November 1756 in (Pointe Coupée Parish), Louisiana, USA.2873 He was baptized on 21 November 1756 at St. François d’Assise in (Pointe Coupée Parish), Louisiana, USA.2873 It is possible that he is the "Joseph LaFleur" whose burial was recorded at Pointe Coupée on 26 May 1819. If he did, indeed, go by the surname of LaFleur rather than Berza, he may be the "Joseph LaFleur" who name appeared as #30 on the 30 June 1777 Pointe Coupée Militia List. There was an error in the 1925 transcription of this list done by C. Robert Churchill and, as a result, Joseph LaFleur's name (as well as the name of François Louis Gremillon) did not appear on the transcription. In order to pursue this, you must look at the original list which can be found here. |
| iii. | Marie Anne BERZA was born on 15 March 1759 in (Pointe Coupée Parish), Louisiana, USA.2874 She was baptized on 1 April 1759 at St. François d’Assise in (Pointe Coupée Parish), Louisiana, USA.2874 She was buried on 20 May 1810 in Opelousas (St. Landry Parish), Louisiana, USA.2875 |
243 | iv. | Perrine BERZA. |
| v. | Marie Francoise BERZA was born on 5 May 1764 in (Pointe Coupée Parish), Louisiana, USA.2876 She was baptized on 20 May 1764 at St. François d’Assise in (Pointe Coupée Parish), Louisiana, USA.2876 |
| vi. | Marguerite BERZA was born 24 December 1766 and was baptized 4 January 1767 at St. François d’Assise in (Pointe Coupée Parish), Louisiana.2877 |
| vii. | Gabriel BERZA I was born on 6 April 1769 in (Pointe Coupée Parish), Louisiana, USA.2878 He was baptized on 11 April 1769 at St. François d’Assise in (Pointe Coupée Parish), Louisiana, USA.2878 His emancipation was recorded at Pointe Coupée on 10 May 1791. He died before 28 September 1808 based on succession documents found in Avoyelles Parish Probate Book A (1808-1818). |
| viii. | Augustin BERZA I was born on 19 December 1771 in (Pointe Coupée Parish), Louisiana, USA.2879 He was baptized on 15 January 1772 at St. François d’Assise in (Pointe Coupée Parish), Louisiana, USA.2879 |