Eighth Generation

252. Pierre LEMOINE was born on 2 April 1766 in (Pointe Coupée Parish), Louisiana, USA.915 He was baptized on 3 May 1766 at St. François d’Assise Catholic Church & Cemetery in (Pointe Coupée Parish), Louisiana, USA.915 In 1795, Pierre was listed as an inhabitant of Avoyelles (Louisiana) who owns slaves and who contributed to the indemnity to those of the Pointe Coupee whose slaves were executed as a result of the conspiracy of the Negroes in the year of 1795. This indemnity fund was established by Spanish Governor General Baron de Carondelet so that slaveholders could be reimbursed for slaves who were sentenced to death, killed in flight or sentenced to the public works. This fund was established in conjunction with new slave control regulations and restricted slave trade after Captain Guillaume Duparc, commandant of the Pointe Coupee Post, learned in April of 1795 of a plot by local slaves to force their masters into giving them their freedom. At that time, Duparc immediately sent out three patrols to arrest the slaves suspected of planning the revolt. Soon afterwards, several negroes and mulattos were arrested and jailed. In all, sixty three persons were implicated; fifteen were hanged and several others were sentenced to presidio duty or banished from the colony. The slaveholder tax of 1795 imposed a tax of six "escalins"(75 cents) per slave on slaveowners in the Louisiana colony. There was considerable opposition to it and many refused to pay. Pierre owned 2 male slaves and 1 female slave at this time; he paid a tax of 2 piastres. The census listing these taxpayers is dated 3-20-1796. On 19 March 1796, he sold 2 arpents of land to Guillaume Lemoine. On 25 July 1797, he purchased a negress and son from Jean Poiret. He appeared in the census in 1810 in (Avoyelles Parish), Louisiana, USA. Pierre and Lucille owned 45 slaves by this date. Pierre appeared in the census in 1820 in (Avoyelles Parish), Louisiana, USA. By this time, he owned 55 slaves. He died between 27 June 1820 and 10 August 1821. On 10 August 1821, an inventory was made of his estate. However, he was present at the 27 June 1820 civil marriage of his son, Zenon, to Josephine Rabalais.916 Lucille BORDELON and Pierre LEMOINE251,665 were married on 25 January 1790 in Opelousas (St. Landry Parish), Louisiana, USA.917

253. Lucille BORDELON was born on 24 October 1773 in (Pointe Coupée Parish), Louisiana, USA.918 She was baptized on 28 November 1773 at St. François d’Assise Catholic Church & Cemetery in (Pointe Coupée Parish), Louisiana, USA.918 She appeared in the census in 1810 in (Avoyelles Parish), Louisiana, USA. Pierre and Lucille owned 45 slaves by this date. She also appeared in the 1820 Avoyelles Census with her husband and children. Lucille died after 18 May 1830 at the age of 56 - the date her daughter, Eulalie, married Paulin Mayeux.

Children were:



Heloise (Eloise) LEMOINE.


Arthemise LEMOINE was born in (Avoyelles Parish), Louisiana, USA. She married Celestin Gauthier I in a 1820 civil marriage. Celestin died in 1835 and, in 1836, she remarried to Felix Marcotte (s/o Augustin Marcotte & Celeste Joffrion). Although the full story may never been known, it appears that Felix Marcotte was fathering children with his wife, Arthemise Lemoine, at the same time that he was fathering the children of his step-daughter, Arthemise Gauthier (a child of Celestin Gauthier I and Arthemise Lemoine). Marcotte and Arthemise Lemoine had, at least, four children (Augustin in 1841, Felonise, Ophelia/Orphelia in 1845 and Marie Louise in 1849). At the same time, Arthemise Gauthier gave birth to eight children between 1842 and 1860. Other than the last two children born to Marcotte and Arthemise Gauthier, five of the other children born to the couple were all baptized with the Gauthier surname (couldn't find a baptismal record for the 6th) and the father was not named. However, it is apparent that Felix Marcotte was the father of Gauthier's children based on his succession records as well of those of Arthemise Gauthier. After Arthemise Lemoine died in November 1857 (buried 15 Nov 1857 in Mansura), Marcotte married Arthemise Gauthier in a civil ceremony on 27 May 1858 in Avoyelles Parish. ... This sorid story would seem to explain why Arthemise Lemoine applied for a separation of property from her husband, Felix Marcotte, on 25 April 1843 in (Avoyelles Parish), Louisiana. Notice of the court agreement was published in the 27 May 1843 edition of "The Expositeur" newspaper. However, it is unclear if the couple was splitting or if this was simply being done to protect their property from creditors. It would appear likely that Arthemise Lemoine was, indeed, separating/divorcing her husband in 1843 after she, perhaps, determined that her 'grandchild' had been fathered by her husband. However, we can't forget that Felix Marcotte fathered several children with Arthemise Lemoine AFTER this date as well as the fact that Marcotte, Arthemise Lemoine and Arthemise Gauther (along with all of the children) were living together in the 1850 Census!


Louis LEMOINE was born on 22 September 1792 in (Avoyelles Parish), Louisiana, USA.921 He was baptized on 20 November 1796 at Saint Paul the Apostle Catholic Church in Mansura (Avoyelles Parish), Louisiana, USA.921


Celeste LEMOINE was born on 22 April 1794 in (Avoyelles Parish), Louisiana, USA.922 She was baptized on 20 November 1796 at Saint Paul the Apostle Catholic Church in Mansura (Avoyelles Parish), Louisiana, USA.922


Jean Pierre LEMOINE II was born on 22 April 1796 in (Avoyelles Parish), Louisiana, USA.923 He was baptized on 20 November 1796 at Saint Paul the Apostle Catholic Church in Mansura (Avoyelles Parish), Louisiana, USA.923 He died on 13 May 1826 at the age of 30.924 Jean was buried on 13 May 1826 at Saint Paul the Apostle Catholic Church in Mansura (Avoyelles Parish), Louisiana, USA.924


Emelie LEMOINE was born on 16 April 1800 in (Avoyelles Parish), Louisiana, USA.925 She was baptized on 19 February 1801 at Saint Paul the Apostle Catholic Church in Mansura (Avoyelles Parish), Louisiana, USA.925 She appears to have been the "Meline Lemoine" buried at St. Paul's in Mansura (Avoyelles Parish), Louisiana, on 4 September 1852 (although her husband was referred to as George Gauthier rather than Léon).3142 This burial date is supported by the fact that her estate was in succession by 9 November 1852.3143






Eulalie LEMOINE.


Lucille LEMOINE was born about August 1811 in (Avoyelles Parish), Louisiana, USA.928 She was baptized on 15 November 1812 at Saint Paul the Apostle Catholic Church in Mansura (Avoyelles Parish), Louisiana, USA.928 She was likely the "Lucile Lemoine" who died on 16 August 1868 and was buried the following day at Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Moreauville (Avoyelles Parish), Louisiana, USA.929