Ninth Generation

428. Jacques DUPRÉ dit Lecomte was born on 27 April 1696 in Montréal (Québec Province), Canada.1,1675 He was baptized on 27 April 1696 in Montréal (Québec Province), Canada.1,1675 He engaged west on 28 May 1718. He died on 9 March 1764 at the age of 67 in (St. Charles Parish), Louisiana, USA.1676 Jacques had his estate in succession on 10 March 1764.1677 Anne Marie BIENVENU and Jacques DUPRÉ dit Lecomte were married on 15 July 1722 in Kaskaskia (Randolph County), Illinois, USA.1676,1678 They1676,1678 signed a marriage contract on 15 July 1722 in Kaskaskia (Randolph County), Illinois, USA.1679 They1679 appeared in the census in 1726 at Rue St. Pierre in New Orleans (Orleans Parish), Louisiana, USA. Jacques was identified as a menuisier (joiner, carpenter). The couple appeared in the census in New Orleans again the following year on Rue de Bourbon. Once again, Jacques was identified as a menuisier (joiner, carpenter). The couple had one child by this time. It is very likely that Jacques Dupré was the individual identified as "Sr. Dupre" living on Rue de Bourbon on the 1 May 1728 Gonichon map of New Orleans. He was living in dwelling #254. Dupré, his wife, and child were living on Rue de Bourbon the previous year. It is likely that this dwelling was located in (what is now) the vicinity of 631-635 Bourbon Street. By 1736, the family was living in Mobile.

429. Anne Marie BIENVENU was born on 7 November 1706 and baptized on 11 November 1706 in Lorient (Morbihan), (Bretagne Region), France.1,2897 She was listed as "Marie Janne Bienvenu" on her baptismal record. Information about Anne's passage to Louisiana and/or Illinois is unknown. However, it is possible that she left France after the October 1719 death of her mother in order to join her father and brother in Illinois. She died on 23 September 1771 at the age of 66 in (St. Charles Parish), Louisiana, USA.1676According to a synopsis of her succession documents, the "Derbonne plantation" consisted of "24 arpanes (arpents) located 4 leagues upriver from New Orleans, on the west bank". One of the succession documents was the formal notification of her death "N.O., Sept. 23, 1771". It is unclear, however, as to whether she died at New Orleans on that date or whether formal notification was made to New Orleans on that date. (Her burial is not listed in the "Archdiocese of New Orleans, Sacramental Records..." book series.) Apparently, she did not leave a will. The inventory of her estate included eight slaves, livestock, a house, land, crops and the 'Derbonne' planation. The freedom of an 80-year-old slave, Angelica, was purchased for 12 pesos.3054

Below is a snippet of the legend of the 1 May 1728 Gonichon New Orleans map and a snippet of the map itself showing dwelling #120 (see info on Jacques above).

Children were:


Antoine Jacques DUPRÉ was baptized on 2 June 1729 in New Orleans (Orleans Parish), Louisiana, USA.1680,1681


Louise Marie DUPRÉ was born about 1729. She was baptized on 14 February 1729 in New Orleans (Orleans Parish), Louisiana, USA.1680 She was buried on 16 May 1747 in (St. Charles Parish), Louisiana, USA. Louise died .


Marie Jeanne DUPRÉ was baptized on 11 February 1729 in New Orleans (Orleans Parish), Louisiana, USA.1682 She died before 7 October 1747. On this date, her husband signed a marriage contract with Jeanne Asselin and he is listed as the widower of Marie Jeanne Dupre Terrebonne.


Jeanne DUPRÉ was born on 4 January 1734 in Mobile (Mobile County), Alabama, USA.1676,1683 She was baptized on 14 June 1734 in Mobile (Mobile County), Alabama, USA.1676,1683


Jean Jacques DUPRÉ was born on 3 April 1736 in Mobile (Mobile County), Alabama, USA.1683 He was baptized on 2 March 1737 in Mobile (Mobile County), Alabama, USA.


Antoine Alexandre DUPRÉ was born on 14 April 1740 in Louisiana, USA.1684 He was baptized on 15 April 1740 in New Orleans (Orleans Parish), Louisiana, USA.1684



Laurent DUPRÉ dit Terrebonne.


Guilleaume DUPRÉ was baptized on 8 December 1748 in (St. Charles Parish), Louisiana, USA. He was born in December 1748 in (St. Charles Parish), Louisiana, USA.