Fifteenth Generation

26490. Jehan BÉLIER (BELLIER, BELLIOR) was born about 1575. He was buried on 5 April 1637 in Brouage (Charente-Maritime) (Poitou Charentes Region), France.1 Isabeau/Elizabeth PELISSONNEAU and Jehan BÉLIER (BELLIER, BELLIOR) were married about 1600.

26491. Isabeau/Elizabeth PELISSONNEAU was born about 1579. She was buried on 5 October 1650 in Brouage (Charente-Maritime) (Poitou Charentes Region), France.1

Note: Although I have not located Catherine's baptismal record, the couple above is the only BÉLIER (BELLIER, BELLIOR) couple having children in Brouage from about 1615 until 1635 so it is likely that they are her parents. Also, Jehan was the only one who signed the marriage record of Catherine and Simon Richomme although the marriage record does not specifically identify the parents of the bride and groom.

Children were:


Janne BÉLIER (BELLIER, BELLIOR) was born (date unknown).


Jean BÉLIER (BELLIER, BELLIOR) was born about 1605.


Francoise BÉLIER (BELLIER, BELLIOR) was born about 1607. She was buried on 4 May 1630 in Brouage (Charente-Maritime) (Poitou Charentes Region), France.1 She died about 4 May 1630 at the age of 23.





(Unknown) BÉLIER (BELLIER, BELLIOR) was born about 1615. He/she was baptized on 6 September 1615 in Brouage (Charente-Maritime) (Poitou Charentes Region), France.1


Étienne BÉLIER (BELLIER, BELLIOR) was born about 1620. He was baptized in August 1620 in Brouage (Charente-Maritime) (Poitou Charentes Region), France.1