Twelfth Generation

4088. Jean Baptiste Thomas BORDELON was likely born about 1670. It is now known that he signed (what is believed to be) a marriage contract on 13 October 1690 with Madeleine Richouf de Champgautiers. Reference to this contract is based on a small excerpt in the records of the Archives départementales of Charente-Inférieure which appear to be part of the couple's separation/divorce judgement. The excerpt states that "Madelaine de Richou, wife of Jean-Baptiste de Bordelou, condemned to pay to the plaintiff 30,000 livres that she has conferred in dowry, April 1717 with interest (contract 13 October 1690)". 2714 (Richouf-Bordelon Civil Judgement Excerpt) Madeleine RICHOUF DE CHAMPGAUTIERS and Jean Baptiste Thomas BORDELON were likely married about 13 October 1690 but their marriage record has not been found. According to "Some Early Families of Avoyelles Parish, Louisiana...Volume I", (Page 17), letters of the Court in Rochefort in 1711-1712 show that JBT Bordelon had left his wife in Le Havre. Dame Richouf "successfully sued her husband for separation of the assets of their community" in 1719. The April 1717 civil judgement mentioned earlier in this paragraph which refers to the couple's (likely) marriage contract, appears to be related to the separation/divorce of the couple and would indicate that the couple was likely in the process of dissolving their marriage by April 1717 although this date might be closer to the 1711-1712 date if those documents become available for examination.

(This 1717 civil judgement also proves my previous theory that Magdeleine de Brachon and Madeleine Richouf were one-in-the-same person which was determined from examination of the name of the mother of each of the 7 children of Jean Baptiste Thomas on the children's respective baptismal records - in particular the baptismal register record of the couple's first child - Marthe Madeleine. Gremillion's "Some Early Families of Avoyelles Parish, Louisiana ... Volume I" erroneously made the assumption that JBT Bordelon had been married to de Branchon and, secondly, to Richouf because it appears that they did not find the reference to Marthe-Madeleine's baptism in the records of LeHavre. The mother's name on this first record easily compares to the mother's name of the other children EXCEPT Gabriel. Gabriel's baptismal record identified his mother as de Branchon and the Gremillion's reached the logical conclusion that his was born of a different mother since they were unaware of the existence of his older sister. It appears, however, that the mother's name on Gabriel's baptismal record was simply misspelled.)(See bottom of page regarding my original theory.)

In 1696 he was a "Controlleur de vivres de la marine" in Le Havre (Seine-Maritime) (Normandie Region), France (Controller of food supplies for the Navy). In 1711 Jean was a "Directeur des vivres de la marine" in Rochefort (Charente-Maritime), France (Director of food supplies for the Navy). On 21 June 1715, a treaty was ratified (signed on 14 April 1714) between the Intendant of Rochefort and Bordelon (director of naval supplies) for the supply of 340 'quintals bacon saled without food nor head' intended for the "new establishment that the king makes with ...royal island".1899 On 22 June 1715, a treaty was ratified (signed 26 April 1713) between the Intendant of Rochefort and Bordelon (director of naval supplies) establishing that Bordelon would supply goods intended for someone by the name of Plaisance at "royal island".1900 He died after 26 November 1729. On that date, he was present at the marriage of his daughter, Marthe-Madeleine, to Urbain Mangin/Manguin, Majeur de Fondmarin, at Rochefort.

[Note: According to the 1730 marriage record of Gabriel Laurens(t) Bordelon to Anne Françoise Roland, Gabriel's mother was Henriette Rochechouart. Although this has been proven to not be true, it is possible that Henriette was Jean Baptiste Thomas' 2nd wife and was, therefore, Gabriel's step-mother.]

4089. Madeleine RICHOUF DE CHAMPGAUTIERS was likely born about 1675. She was deceased before 25 June 1726 - the date of her daughter's marriage (Jeane Margueritte to Samuel Modey). However, it does appear that she was alive as late as 1719 based on the separation/divorce documents mentioned in Gremillion's "Some Early Families of Avoyelles Parish, Louisiana... Volume I". Unfortunately, I have been unable to find a burial record for her at either church in Le Havre.2711

Children were:


Marthe-Madeleine BORDELON was baptized on 10 April 1695 at Le Havre (Nôtre Dame) (Seine-Maritime) (Normandie Region), France. 1,1901She married Urbain Mangin/Manguin/Maugin, Majeur de Fondmarin on 26 November 1729 at Saint-louis in Rochefort. (Note: Her 1st marriage was to Charles de Gabaret but marriage record has not yet been located.)1,2715 Sacramental table recording her baptism...... Marriage Record to Mangin/Manguin/Maugin



Gabriel Laurens BORDELON.(Baptismal Record)


Thomas Alexis BORDELON was born on 25 July 1698 and baptized on the same day at Le Havre (Nôtre Dame) (Seine-Maritime) (Normandie Region), France. 1,2705He died on 28 April 1701 and was buried on 29 April 1701 at Le Havre (Nôtre Dame) (Seine-Maritime) (Normandie Region), France.1,2706 Baptismal Record... Burial Record


Marie Susanne BORDELON was born and baptized on 29 November 1699 at Le Havre (Nôtre Dame) (Seine-Maritime) (Normandie Region), France.1,2707 Baptismal Record


François BORDELON was born and baptized on 8 October 1701 at Le Havre (Nôtre Dame) (Seine-Maritime) (Normandie Region), France.1,2708 Baptismal Record


Jeane Margueritte BORDELON was born and baptized on 10 March 1703 at Le Havre (Nôtre Dame) (Seine-Maritime) (Normandie Region), France. 1,2709She was buried on 15 August 1787 at La Rochelle (St Barthélémi) (Charente-Maritime) (Poitou Charentes Region), France. 1,2710She married Samuel Louis Modey on 25 Jun 1726 at Rochefort (Saint-Louis) (Charente-Maritime), France.1,2711 She later married Jacques Harand on 18 Feb 1754 at La Rochelle (Nôtre-Dame-de-Cougnes) (Charente-Maritime), France. 1,2712 Baptismal Record... Marriage Record to Modey... Marriage Record to Harand-Page 1... Marriage Record to Harand-Page 2


Charlotte Françoise BORDELON was baptizd on 23 December 1706 at Le Havre (St-François) (Seine-Maritime) (Normandie Region), France.1,2713 Baptismal Record


Document 1 dated 21 Jun 1715: "Ratification of the treaty passed under private signature on April 1, 1714, between Francois de Beauharnois, Intendant of Rochefort, and Thomas Bordelon, Director of the Supplies/Rations of the Navy, for the supply of three hundred and forty quintals bacon salted without foot nor head, intended for the new establishment that the King makes with I'le Royal Island." Page 1 Page 2

Document 2 dated 22 Jun 1715: "Ratification of the treaty passed under private signature on April 26, 1713, between Francois de Beauharnois, Intendant of Rochefort, and Thomas Bordelon, Director of the Supplies/Rations of the Navy, for the supply of the rations intended for Plaisance having to be used to with it of food and subsistence to the soldiers and to workmen who passed to I'le Royal Island." Page 1 Page 2


This is why I believe that all of Jean Baptiste Thomas Bordelon's seven children were born of the same mother: .....The 1695 baptism of his first child with the supposed Magdeleine de Brachon (Marthe Madeleine) appears in an alphabetic table at Notre Dame (Le Havre) (Seine-Maritime) (France) and the mother is listed as Mad(ne). du Richon. To prove this point, you can compare the "R" in Richon (copy here) with the letter "B" on the name "Bordelon" written, of course, by the same person on the same line of the register. The letter "B" on this page is very distinct and it becomes very clear that the surname of Marthe Madeleine's mother does not begin with a "B" (Brachon). On the other hand, the baptism of Gabriel (the next child) appears to show that his mother was Magdeleine Brachon. (Gabriel's Baptismal Record)

The 3rd child is Thomas Alexis born only 2 years after our ancestor, Gabriel. His mother is listed as Magdelena Richous de champ gautier. This is the first use of the surname extension 'Champ gautier' ('Champgautiers, etc.).

The mother of the remaining children is listed as follows on their respective baptismal records:

Marie Susanne: 'Madeleine Richous'; Francois: 'Madeleine Richouf de Chamgautier'; Jeane Margueritte: 'Madeleine Rihouf du Champ gaultier'; Charlotte Francoise: 'Magdeleine Richouf de champ gautier' (SIDE NOTE: Interestingly, her godfather is listed as "Charles Daniel de Ricous Chevalier l'ordre militaire de St. Louis capitaine des naisseance? du Roy and Dame Claude Francoise duBost(?) de moulin son espouse". Is it possible that Magdeleine Richouf is actually named Ricous and is the sibling of Charles Daniel de Ricous?)

Therefore, I suspect that the mother's name on Gabriel's baptismal record was simply spelled wrong and that Magdeleine (or Madeleine) Richouf de Champgautier (du Richouf) was very likely the mother of all children of Jean Baptiste Thomas Bordelon found to-date. It is also interesting to note that neither a death record for a "du Brachon, wife of Jean Baptiste Thomas Bordelon" or a marriage record for a supposed 2nd marriage prior to 1719 for Jean Baptiste Thomas has been found (and I've looked!!) which, in my opinion, lends credence to this theory that there was no additional marriage (once again, this is not a reference to Henriette Rochechouart who is a possible wife of JBT Bordelon later in life). I have also searched for the record of the first marriage of Marthe-Madeleine Bordelon to Charles de Gabaret with the hope that it would provide proof positive that the name of Marthe's mother was du Richon/du Richouf but, to date, I have not located it. If my hunch is correct, it would prove that all of Jean Baptiste Thomas' children were born of the same mother.